1 - The United States Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Public Contribution website collects technical inputs and author nominations from the public for various projects.
The site was designed to support multiple, concurrent projects with varying form requirements.
USGCRP Public Contribution System
Spring 2015
2 - Climate change is a significant threat to the health of the American people. The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Climate and Health Assessment examines how climate change is already affecting human health and the changes that may occur in the future.
The design combines elements of the USGCRP website with the design of the assessment PDF in a reusable template format for future reports. I was responsible for leading the web team and providing the back-end architecture.
USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment
Spring 2016

1 - The National Climate Assessment summarizes the impacts of climate change on the United States, now and in the future.
A team of more than 300 experts guided by a 60-member Federal Advisory Committee produced the report, which was extensively reviewed by the public and experts, including federal agencies and a panel of the National Academy of Sciences.
HabitatSeven provided the design and most of the frontend coding. The design featured a highly shareable architecture and mobile first design. I worked as lead Drupal developer to integrate their design and coding into a Drupal site with content types, taxonomy vocabularies, theming and custom modules.
This site was launched by The White House.
2014 National Climate Assessment
Spring 2014

1 - The National Climate Assessment process requires a draft version to be released to the public for comment. This website allowed people to create accounts, agree to the terms of the review process, download the PDF files, and submit comments online and upload comments collected offline using an Excel template file.
The site was very useful in managing the comments when the review process ended. Coordinators were allowed to flag the comments for organization and add responses to the comments. These comments and responses will be released when the final National Climate Assessment is released.
In addition to it being used by the National Climate Assessement, the site was used for a number of IPCC reviews, both private and public.
USGCRP Review and Comment System
Spring 2013

1 - A brochure designed to give the new Biotechnology program some extra exposure. They have a 1+1 agreement with other area community colleges so the brochures will also be displayed and distributed by those schools. The purpose was to spark some area interest in the program.
program brochure (565 KB)
Summer 2005
2 - A poster calling for entries to the Manufacturing Leadership Awards. This was my original design before it reached the hands of the client. I felt that the stars were the main focus because its purpose is to encourage people to apply for a star level award. The font was chosen to match the application and to present an industrial feel.
Leadership Awards poster (103 KB)
Summer 2005
3 - A flyer/poster designed for a theater presentation by the A-B Tech Drama Club. Their primary presentation is "Colors," a story about a man who sees all of the colors for the last time before he dies. Each color is represented by a performer.
Spring 2005
4 - One of the primary duties of my position as Communication Specialist was to handle the 400+ page course catalog, produced annually. The photos featured on the cover were chosen to highlight a diverse range of successful graduates. The photo that appears on the binding makes this catalog standout on the shelf.
Course Catalog cover (167 KB)
Course Catalog pages (14.4 MB)
Winter 2005-06
5 - An ad for a new scholarship. The Foundation was raising money in memory of Osborne M. Hart who had a strong impact on the community.
M. Hart Scholarship ad (55 KB)
Winter 2004
6 - The A-B Tech Foundation holds an annual Scholarship Luncheon to recognize scholarship recipients and allow them to meet their sponsors.
I took the photo of the column on the front and designed it so that the college name would be printed on the inside but show when folded.
Foundation Scholarship Luncheon invitation (99 KB)
Fall 2006

1 - I played an instrumental role in moving the College's website from a Microsoft FrontPage 2003 maintained site into Drupal 6. I have been involved in training content managers in the form of individual and group sessions as well as open labs.
I installed modules including Webform (forms), Lightbox2 (image galleries), Taxonomy VTN (internal sitemap), TinyMCE (text editor), IMCE (file manager), Google CSE (search engine integration), Link Checker (broken links), and Scanner (sitewide search and replace). I was involved in updating Drupal and the installed modules.
Fall 2007
2 - Previously, the online schedule was generated by an XML export from InDesign and maintained in a series of department specific HTML files. The process was reversed to increase consistency and add search functionality.
The schedule data is exported from Datatel and imported into MySQL. Using a PHP, the data is split into two relational tables, classes and offerings, to reduce redundency. Later, another script exports data from MySQL into an XML file that can be imported into InDesign with mapped styles. Data is managed using phpMyAdmin.
Spring 2010
3 - Tech Talk is a monthly newsletter published and distributed by the Communications Office for the employees and contributors of the college.
Tech Talk is generated using a series of include files and ASP scripts. The articles and tech notes are individual HTML files placed in their respective folders.
The home page displays a defined number of articles from the top of the headlines list. The headlines list is generated alphabetically by reading the headline and filename of the files in the articles folder. The "Tech Notes" link is static, but the tech notes page combines all of the individual tech note files into one page. Links to the previous or next article are included at the bottom of article pages.
This publishing system has been replaced using Drupal.
Fall 2006, Spring 2011
4 - Super Tuesday is a new employee orientation program. The schedule of meetings is posted on the intranet site. I wrote a simple JavaScript function that displays calendar events according to the current date. The next meeting date shows up with a bold border. Meeting dates that have already passed don't show up at all. The style of each event is determined by different class styles and the function simply assigns the class attribute to each event.
*a semi-styled version from its last use
Fall 2004

1 - DeRoyal is a large medical supply company located in Knoxville, TN. Estella Design designed and revised their product catalogs, exhibit displays, and advertisements, mostly for the Acute Care department.
Following a template designed by my boss, I handled the production work this 104 page Occupational and Physical Therapy Products catalog. I worked directly with the project manager at DeRoyal throughout the proofing process and to make revisions for reprints.
DeRoyal Occupational and Physical Therapy Products catalog inside pages (2.3MB)
Spring 2005

1 - Natural Health Directories is a searchable listing site for all things Natural Health.
I did customized backend programming from scratch in PHP and MySQL and the client-side design in CSS. The project also included an administrator's area to control the listings entered into the database. The client was so impressed with the site's functionality and appearance that she wants me to develop a similar site in the near future.
Summer 2005
2 - Bliss Salon Inc. is a hair salon in Hendersonville, NC.
The owner of the salon developed detailed illustrator files with the basic design elements. I took the illustrations and created a functioning Flash site. Visual aesthetics and vibrant color scheme were the most important elements to the client.
Salon Inc. (Spring 2005)
Spring 2005
3 - BoxCart was a new company in the mobile storage industry located in the Maryland area.
This was my first complete CSS-intensive site. The design was created by my boss. The flash animation on the home page was developed by Rose Design.
Fast loading speeds and high search engine rankings were the most important characteristics of this site. I would have liked to use text links but the font selection for the menu items was important to the designer to keep consistency in the brand identity. The word "BoxCart" is shown in green throughout as a branding strategy. The client used Macromedia Contribute to make updates.
Winter 2005
4 - Eastwood Village was one of the last sites with a table layout. The client wanted the focus to be on beautiful photos and fast loading speeds. We had to reduce a little of the image quality to speed up the loading speed. The design of this site was done by my boss.
Summer 2004

1 - American Chik is a new company starting in Asheville, NC. The company is working to build relationships between crafts people and manufacturers to mass produce craft products for the world economy.
The concept of the design was developed by the client, former owner of a major design firm called Pinkhaus in Florida. The layouts were created based on sketches and images provided by the client.
The site is not currently online but is used as a way for the owner to present his ideas to the community.
Summer 2006

1 - Meg Harper an artist in Mesa, AZ. She paints nature and adds beads to some of her paintings to add emphasis with sparkle and texture.
This business card was designed to match the look of her new website in order to create a consistent look for her image as an artist.
Fall 2006

1 - Meg Harper an artist in Mesa, AZ. She paints nature and adds beads to some of her paintings to add emphasis with sparkle and texture.
My boss at Estella Design designed her original website. The client wanted the site redesigned so that it expressed nature and used the colors orange, red, and purple.
I created a colorful design and a more user friendly gallery for her paintings using CSS. I also added a little JavaScript sparkle to the mouse on some pages to illustrate the quote on the home page, "The whole world sparkles when you are doing what you love!"
The client wanted her online gallery transformed into a store to sell original and archival prints of her paintings. I integrated osCommerce with the site design and modules were installed to enable Paypal as the payment method and to control shipping calculations.
Some prints are shipped in a tube that can hold multiple prints. Modifications were made to the shipping code to identify prints that can be shipped together, so customers would be charged the proper amount.
Spring 2006, Fall 2008

1 - Market Connections contracted me to add Javascript to a site they designed.
The home page includes a toggle button that will show and hide a schedule. The "Partner With Us" page has a sliding photo gallery that is controlled by the "Next" button or by selecting an item from the popup menu.
Functionality was added using jQuery. The "Partner With Us" page includes two integrated scripts which were recommended by Market Connections.
Fall 2010

1 - Big Bridge is a small marketing company in Asheville, NC. I designed a site for their client, Blue Ridge Community Health Services.
The site needed to appear similar to the brochure, stationary, and sign Big Bridge had already designed for the client. I used the same color scheme as the stationary and used photos from the brochure. The site is maintained by Big Bridge using Macromedia Contribute.
Summer 2006
2 - Big Bridge is a small marketing company in Asheville, NC. I designed a site for their client, Dayspring Tutorials, a small institution offering educational experiences for home school children.
The client wanted a simple, bold, and clean look using green, yellow, and blue. I chose a serif font to match the typography of the they were already printing catalog. Big Bridge dictated the use of silhouettes for the page headers.
Summer 2006

1 - Center for Massage & Natural Health is an established Massage School, Retreat Center, and Therapy Center in Asheville, NC.
I worked on the original design of this site while at Estella Design. The original pages were created in 2003 by exporting slices from Fireworks into table layouts. Later, a text-only site was created to accommodate for people with slow connection speeds. Because search engine ranking and fast load speeds were most important to the client, I proposed a complete restructuring of all site pages, or search engine optimization.
The project included keeping the same basic design, restructuring the code that generates the pages, and consolidating the graphic-rich site with the text-only site. I used a nifty stylesheet switcher in JavaScript to transform the page from a graphics-heavy page to a more text-only version with the click of a link. The user's preference, graphic-rich or text-only, is saved in a cookie so that they see the version of the site they prefer when they return.
The optimization of the site drastically cut page load times. The client was very impressed at how fast the pages loaded.
Home Page - Loads in 51.02s* at 56k
Home Page - Loads in 12.15s* at 56k
Sub Level Page - Loads in 67.34s** at 56k
Sub Level Page - Loads in 47.59s** at 56k
* Load times can be found by using Web Page Analyzer. The times listed here are for the example pages. Actual site load times may vary.
** The difference in load times for the old and new Personal Retreats pages does not appear as drastic as the difference in the home pages. However, the the text-only stylesheet hides large images which makes the page visually appear to load almost instantly.
The site is primarily updated and maintained by the owner.
Summer 2005
2 - Center for Massage & Natural Health is an established Massage School, Retreat Center, and Therapy Center in Asheville, NC.
Meeting the specific feature requests of the client, a custom programmed alumni resources area was developed using PHP and MySQL. In Fall 2010, modifications were made to integrate the use of Dreamweaver templates to control the design and styles.
Features include a post graduate survey that gives alumni an access code for creating an account. Members are given access to employment opportunities, class news, professional information, transcript requests, and an alumni directory. The client uses a basic, customized administration interface which is password protected using Apache.
Center for Massage and Natural Health Alumni Resources
The site is primarily updated and maintained by the owner.
Fall 2005

1 - Susan Breedlove Properties is a real estate agency at Lake Toxaway in Cashiers, NC.
The original site was designed by WC&T in Asheville, NC. It appeared that the site was designed using a frameset and tables exported from Adobe Photoshop. I first began working on the site while I worked at Estella Design, performing minor site maintenance.
The project included keeping the same basic design, consolidating the frameset pages into single pages, and making the navigation links text instead of images. To maintain the rollover effect in the navigation that used a simple image-switcher, I developed javascript that would show or hide the rollover text. I also optimized all site images using Adobe ImageReady to speed up load times.
Search engine hits were very important to the client, so I did some minor rewriting of the page content to include important keywords. I also added extensive description and keyword meta tags and more descriptive titles for the pages. In order to help with Google site crawling, I added a sitemap.xml file to the document root and added their domain to the Google Sitemaps (BETA) project.
The optimization of the site drastically cut page load times. The client was very impressed at how fast the pages loaded.
Rent Page - Loads in 74.35s* at 56k
Rent Page - Loads in 29.38s* at 56k
* Load times can be found by using Web Page Analyzer. The times listed here are for the example pages. Actual site load times may vary.
I currently update and maintain this site.
Fall 2005

1 - HoopsQuest is a new company I started with a friend. The business includes individual and team development training, camps, clinics, workshops, recruiting advisement, and more. The target audience includes parents, student athletes, and coaches.
The style and treatment of the logo is similar to most sport logos that reach to a large demographic of both young and old. This was done so that we can appeal to all ages.
The logo itself represents a ball on a quest for a hoop. The swoosh helps to illustrate the motion of the ball, but also makes people subconsciously think of Nike, which holds a strong presence in the world of sports. The direction of the ball moving up and right was intentional to present a positive reaction to the identity of the company.
Fall 2004
2 - HoopsQuest is a new company I started with a friend. The business includes individual and team development training, camps, clinics, workshops, recruiting advisement, and more. The target audience includes parents, student athletes, and coaches.
We wanted the business card to have a real clean, professional design. It is printed on both sides so that it shows the HoopsQuest company information and the staff member's information.
Summer 2005

1 - Recruiting 101 was the first workshop offered by HoopsQuest. I wanted to put something together that was eye-catching and would include a registration form. I used a stock photo with an orange screen overlay for the background.
HoopsQuest Recruiting 101 Workshop flyer (252 KB)
Summer 2006
2 - This Shooting and Free Throws Clinic flyer was one of a series of clinic flyers. HoopsQuest offers a series of clinics focusing on a variety of skills. I used the same basic style and treatment for each flyer, changing the colors to identify them.
HoopsQuest Shooting Clinic flyer (256 KB)
Fall 2006
3 - HoopsQuest offered a series of clinics offered before college basketball games. I put together a flyer template that could be customized for each school that participated to publicize the school's game in addition to the clinic. These events were also sponsored by the WNBA's Chicago Sky.
HoopsQuest College Game Day Clinic flyer (180 KB)
Winter 2006
3 - HoopsQuest partnered with the successful Miracle Basketball Girls' AAU program. To show advertise the fall Miracle league schedule and the HoopsQuest clinic schedule, we printed a joint brochure. I also took the cover photo.
HoopsQuest Miracle Basketball brochure (288 KB)
Winter 2006

1 - HoopsQuest is a new company I started with a friend. The business includes individual and team development training, camps, clinics, workshops, recruiting advisement, and more. The target audience includes parents, student athletes, and coaches.
The website was designed to appeal to all ages. The most important factors were accessibility, usability, loading speed, wide range appeal, and search engine ranking.
This is one of my favorite sites and was my pet project for a few years. I put a lot of time into making sure it looked right on all browsers and platforms. It is designed primarily using CSS. The pages are in PHP, so that I could reuse the code as a template and updates could be made quickly and easily.
Winter 2006

1 - My friend was the Head Coach at Trinity High School in River Forest, IL and asked me to design a t-shirt for her summer basketball camps.
The school shield was used at the bottom to identify the school. The silhouette at the top was actually taken from a photo of my friend when she played in college for the Tennessee Lady Vols.
We tie-dyed the shirts in solid, pastel colors after they were printed. They were quite popular with the campers. My friend actually sold some of the left over shirts.
Summer 2004

1 - Triple Threat Hoops was a new independent basketball gear company started in Chicago, IL. The company wanted to compete with the likes of And1, Nike, and Adidas, and their target audience was teenage boys and girls.
I worked with the owner to develop a company name and logo that would allow them to compete with large companies and capture the essence of their young audience. The owner wanted a name that would embody an attitude of domination like And1.
"Triple threat" is a basketball term that defines the three things a player can do to dominate on offense. The graphic in the logo was developed to show the three triple threat moves. The type was done in a graffiti style to show a sort of rugged, street ball attitude.
Spring 2004

1 - Triple Threat Hoops was a new independent basketball gear company started in Chicago, IL. The company wanted to compete with the likes of And1, Nike, and Adidas, and their target audience was teenage boys and girls.
This design was one of the more successful and popular t-shirts sold in the initial launch of the business. The t-shirt was a white, cut-sleeve.
Spring 2004

1 - The front cover of the 2004 Women's Soccer media guide. I was able to design the fall sport media guides entirely. The athletic department had an new logo, so I wanted my design to revolve around the new identity. I kept the same overall layout for the other sports to make it easy to identify them as UNC Asheville media guides.
Images and copy were provided by the Sports Information Director and the designs were approved by the Athletic Director and the sport's Head Coach.
Women's Soccer media guide cover (776 KB)
Men's Soccer media guide cover (765 KB)
Volleyball media guide cover (798 KB)
Fall 2004
2 - A spread from the 2004 Women's Soccer media guide. This was the first time I had been able to design the inner pages of the media guides. I had always been dissatisfied with the design of the inside of the guides. I hoped to do something different, while still keeping it clean and cohesive.
Images and copy were provided by the Sports Information Director and the designs were approved by the Athletic Director and the sport's Head Coach.
Women's Soccer media guide inside pages (1 MB)
Men's Soccer media guide inside pages (907 KB)
Volleyball media guide inside pages (991 KB)
Fall 2004
3 - The 2003-04 Men's Basketball media guide. The Sports Information Director wanted something that showcased the Conference Champions trophy and ring from the previous season. I tried to give it a classy look using the images provided.
Images and copy were provided by the Sports Information Director and the designs were approved by the Athletic Director and the sport's Head Coach.
Men's Basketball media guide cover (2.8 MB)
Winter 2003
4 - The 2003 Baseball media guide. I wanted to use an abstract design element from the game that would provide a dynamic layout. I used the shape of home plate to frame the photos provided.
Images and copy were provided by the Sports Information Director and the designs were approved by the Athletic Director and the sport's Head Coach.
Baseball media guide cover (1.4 MB)
Spring 2003

1 - Orange Blast Chewing Gum is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line in the white, outlined box, "Stuck in the same old flavor?" was chosen to emphasis that the flavor of Orange Blast is like no other. For the series of ads, I changed the headline at the bottom to present an adjective and describing the flavor and a short line relating that adjective and the photo. For this ad the lines read, "Taste the tangy new flavor of Orange Blast. You'll want to be stuck in it."
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself. I used silly putty for the gum in the photos. The gum packages was just designed as an image for the ads and was not produced separately.
Blast Chewing Gum "Tangy" ad (128 KB)
Fall 2002
2 - Orange Blast Chewing Gum is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line in the white, outlined box, "Stuck in the same old flavor?" was chosen to emphasis that the flavor of Orange Blast is like no other. For the series of ads, I changed the headline at the bottom to present an adjective and describing the flavor and a short line relating that adjective and the photo. For this ad the lines read, "Taste the exciting new flavor of Orange Blast. It'll stick with you, making life more interesting."
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself. I used silly putty for the gum in the photos. The gum packages was just designed as an image for the ads and was not produced separately.
Blast Chewing Gum "Exciting" ad (159 KB)
Fall 2002
3 - Orange Blast Chewing Gum is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line in the white, outlined box, "Stuck in the same old flavor?" was chosen to emphasis that the flavor of Orange Blast is like no other. For the series of ads, I changed the headline at the bottom to present an adjective and describing the flavor and a short line relating that adjective and the photo. For this ad the lines read, "Taste the bold new flavor of Orange Blast. It'll stay with you as you move up in the world."
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself. I used silly putty for the gum in the photos. The gum packages was just designed as an image for the ads and was not produced separately.
Blast Chewing Gum "Bold" ad (221 KB)
Fall 2002
4 - Orange Blast Chewing Gum is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line in the white, outlined box, "Stuck in the same old flavor?" was chosen to emphasis that the flavor of Orange Blast is like no other. For the series of ads, I changed the headline at the bottom to present an adjective and describing the flavor and a short line relating that adjective and the photo. For this ad the lines read, "Taste the new long-lasting new flavor of Orange Blast. Lasts so long, you'll never want to get rid of it."
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself. I used silly putty for the gum in the photos. The gum packages was just designed as an image for the ads and was not produced separately.
Blast Chewing Gum "Long-lasting" ad (165 KB)
Fall 2002

1 - Rebound is a fake company that I designed an identity package for as part of one of my senior projects.
The arrow in the logo was used to represent the energy level of someone that drinks Rebound. They will go strong and then hit a wall. However once they drink Rebound, they are able to hit their peak athletic performance. The company name was also done in italics to show motion. Having a graphic showing such strong focus moving up and right was intentionally done to give people a positive and upbeat reaction to the identity.
Spring 2003
2 - Rebound is a fake company that I designed an identity package for as part of one of my senior projects. As part of the identity package, I designed a letterhead, business card, and envelope.
The horizontal line was such a strong visual element to extend across the letterhead. I tried to keep that extension consistent with each piece and also used it in the print ad campaign.
Spring 2003

1 - Rebound is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line, "for what lies ahead..." was chosen to be the consistent emphasis of the drink's primary use for endurance sports, as well as off season training. Each ad also includes an adjective that relates the tag line to the photo. The full tag line for this ad reads, "Giving you the power for what lies ahead..."
All of the photos were taken at a distance to show that the athlete is working hard alone for the game or event that will happen in the future. The photo also has the same color as the flavor in the bottle to provide consistency.
For the bottles I photographed a small gatorade bottle, altered color, and added labels for placement in the ad.
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself.
Sports Drink "Power" ad (705 KB)
Spring 2003
2 - Rebound is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line, "for what lies ahead..." was chosen to emphasize the drink's primary use for endurance sports, as well as off season training. Each ad also includes an adjective that relates the tag line to the photo. The full tag line for this ad reads, "Giving you the energy for what lies ahead..."
For the bottles I photographed a small gatorade bottle, altered color, and added labels for placement in the ad.
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself.
Sports Drink "Energy" ad (629 KB)
Spring 2003
3 - Rebound is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line, "for what lies ahead..." was chosen to emphasize the drink's primary use for endurance sports, as well as off season training.Each ad also includes an adjective that relates the tag line to the photo. The full tag line for this ad reads, "Giving you the endurance for what lies ahead..."
For the bottles I photographed a small gatorade bottle, altered color, and added labels for placement in the ad.
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself.
Sports Drink "Endurance" ad (762 KB)
Spring 2003
4 - Rebound is a fake product for which I created an ad campaign.
The tag line, "for what lies ahead..." was chosen to emphasize the drink's primary use for endurance sports, as well as off season training.Each ad also includes an adjective that relates the tag line to the photo. The full tag line for this ad reads, "Giving you the strength for what lies ahead..."
For the bottles I photographed a small gatorade bottle, altered color, and added labels for placement in the ad.
This was one of my senior projects. The photography is original, by myself.
Sports Drink "Strength" ad (779 KB)
Spring 2003

1 - This began as an experimental project to explore the power of JavaScript. The original version was just a tendex calculator, creating reports that simply show the totals and the tendex decimal value. I have since updated it to calculate percentages, per game averages, notes and player information.
Ideally, this could be used by a coach, taking the season box score for the team they are about to play and their notes from watching tapes of the team play, to create a scouting report for their players in preparation for their next game.
Fall 2002 - original
Summer 2005 - modified
Click the links beside each project below to view images and descriptions.
Work Projects
Freelance Projects
Independent Projects
Last Modified: 03.16.16